东莞市七叶树涂料有限公司成立于2006年,位于珠三角洲之腹地东莞市。是一家专业研制生产涂料的企业。拥有专业的研发、生产、质控、销售及技术的服务队伍。主导产品有金属漆、烤漆、塑胶漆、玻璃漆、橡胶漆、UV漆、艺术漆等产品;广泛应用于电器、电子、板材、家具、机械、灯具等可涂饰材料领域中。 七叶树涂料遵循“诚信立业、稳健发展、品质稳定、绿色环保”为经营理念,注重企业形象和品牌建设,并致力成为国内优秀的涂料供应商。我们与同行业的生产厂家、用户都保持着紧密的联系,加强沟通与合作,得到上下游广泛客户认可和信赖,在行业内享有良好的声誉。 Dong Guan Qiyeshu Paint was established in 2006.Located in the Pearl River Delta hinterland of Don guan city. It is a professional production of coatings developed the enterprise with a professional R & D, production, quality control, sales and technical service team. The leading products of the company are metal paint, paint, plastic paint, glass paint, rubber products, UV lacquer, art paint and so on; Widely used in the fie... [